Bleeding Gums - Modesto, CA

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Early-Stage Gum Disease (Aka Gingivitis) Is Curable

If you have chronic, unexplained bad breath or bleeding gums, you may already be suffering from gum disease.By brushing and flossing your teeth you might avoid these problems, but if they are occurring despite your dental hygiene routine, have your gums examined. If we catch gingivitis at an early stage, it can usually be treated and reversed. Untreated, gingivitis can lead to a more stage sate of gum disease call periodontitis. This is where you develop “deep pockets” between your teeth and gums. Ultimately, this can lead to tooth loss. Advanced oral infection can affect other systemic health issues that you may have. For expert-based, effective treatment of gum disease in Modesto, CA, trust Central Valley Periodontics & Implants.

A board-certified periodontist, Dr. Clarke Filippi specializes in treating all aspects of your gum health at any stage. He has the qualifications and more than two decades of experience to improve the condition of your gums and make them—and you—look and feel better. After finishing dental school Dr. Filippi undertook an additional three years of specialty training on gum disease and other soft tissue problems. And he continues to expand his knowledge with up to six hours of continuing education courses every year.

Gum Disease Warning Signs

Persistent bad breath
Bleeding gums
Gum tenderness or inflammation
Loose teeth
Gum recession
Bone loss
Tooth sensitivity

Two Proven Treatment Paths


Early Stage Gum Disease Treatment

Scaling and root planing are the typical treatment for early-stage gum disease. Scaling is a process in which plaque, tartar (calculus) and staining is removed from above the gumline. Root planing is when tartar is removed from below the gumline and the roots are smoothed. Since bacteria can hide and grow in even the smallest tooth crevices, this is less likely to occur when the roots are smooth. Once scaling and root planing are completed, the gums have the ability to reattach to the tooth root. In many cases, Dr. Filippi will recommend ongoing periodontal maintenance as a follow-up treatment no matter the stage of your gum disease. During these recurring visits—usually every three to four months—his office will do additional deep cleanings as needed to keep bacteria from accumulating and causing reinfection.


Advanced Gum Disease Treatment

If your gum disease reaches an advanced state, Dr. Filippi may suggest osseous surgery (flap surgery). This is a more complex treatment for which Dr. Filippi may administer sedation to keep you comfortable during treatment. During the procedure, he retracts the infected gum tissue to reach your tooth roots and bone underneath. There he removes any accumulated tartar as well as any diseased gum tissue. In certain instances, he might be able to rebuild the bone through bone grafting. This treatment will not cure your gum disease, but when done along with a regular periodontal maintenance routine, can keep gum disease manageable.

Time To Start Healing

Let’s get your gum disease under control!

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